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Student Advocate

Safe Passage Community Resource Toolkit

Our Safe Passage Community Resource Toolkit provides resources for parents and caregivers to discuss issues of safety and transportation with their children. It offers lesson plans and curriculum resources for educators to embed safety practices inside and outside of the classroom and even strategies for reaching out to neighbors and community members to collaboratively make our spaces more safe and welcoming.

The toolkit is organized into 6 sections based on the 6 E’s prescribed by the National Safe Routes to School in order to utilize a comprehensive, integrated approach:

1. Education: Inform students, families, and community members about safety.
2. Encouragement: Use events and activities to promote safe practices.
3. Engineering: Implement physical improvements to streetscape.
4. Enforcement: Partner with local law to address traffic and crime issues.
5. Evaluation: Assess success and identify unintended consequences or opportunities.
6. Equity: Create access to opportunities and ensure equitable outcomes for everyone.

To view the entire Safe Passage Community Resource Toolkit, please click here.

Please feel free to contact our office at (202) 741-4692 or [email protected] if you have questions about our work, this resource toolkit, or would like to discuss opportunities for us to work in partnership together. We look forward to working with you!