State-Approved Screeners
The table below lists state-approved screeners. In order to administer screeners appropriately, test administrators should complete training for the selected screener(s).
ELP Screener | Grade Levels | Considered Proficient (does not qualify) |
Preschool IDEA Oral Language Proficiency Test (Pre-IPT Oral) English | pre-K-3 to pre-K-4 (ages 3-5) | Fluent* |
WIDA Screener for Kindergarten | K, first semester (listening and speaking only) | Combined listening and speaking (oral language composite) score of 5.0 or higher* |
K, second semester (all four domains) | Combined listening, speaking, reading and writing (overall composite) score of 5.0 or higher | |
WIDA Measure of Developing English Language (MODEL) | K | Composite Score of 5.0 |
WIDA Screener Online (Primary OSSE Screener for 1-12) | 1-12 | Composite Score of 5.0 |
CASAS** | Adult | Reading/listening/math test scale score above 235 and writing test scale score greater than 260 |
LEA-Selected Adult Screener*** | Adult | Adult LEAs that do not provide a pathway to earn a regular high school diploma are afforded flexibility in choosing a screener. |
*Note: A ‘fluent’ score on the Pre-IPT or a score of 5.0 or higher on the WIDA Screener for Kindergarten (listening and speaking only) indicates oral English language proficiency, but does not include reading and writing. In the second semester of kindergarten or first semester of first grade, students should be rescreened in listening, speaking, reading and writing with the WIDA Screener for Kindergarten, Kindergarten MODEL, or WIDA Screener (1st grade).
**Grantees receiving the Adult and Family Education Grant are required to use the OSSE-approved CASAS as a screener tool.
***In addition to the CASAS, Adult Programs not receiving Adult and Family Education Grant funds, which do not culminate in a regular high school diploma, may choose LEA-selected adult English language proficiency screeners. Examples of LEA-selected adult screeners include but are not limited to: Tests of Adult Basic Education – Complete Language Assessment System – English (TABE CLAS-E), Best Literacy and Best Plus, Placement Test Scoring Sheet, and TEAAL. Adult Programs should refer to guidance from respective screener developers to determine appropriate cut scores for English Proficiency. For more information on OSSE Adult and Family Education programs and policies, or to contact OSSE staff, please visit
Source: OSSE- Delivering Education Services to English Learners
Statewide Content Assessment Participation
In addition to participation in an annual measure of English language proficiency, ELs are also required to participate in the following statewide content assessments:
- Grades 3-8: English language arts/literacy (ELA) and mathematics yearly
- Grades 5, 8: Science assessments in each grade
- High School: Students must take one ELA, mathematics and science assessment in high school.
For the 2022-23 school year, the District of Columbia will administer the following statewide content assessments:
- English language arts/literacy (ELA) and Mathematics:
- Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers - PARCC
- Multi-State Alternate Assessment – MSAA (for students with significant cognitive disabilities)
- Science:
- DC Science Assessment
- Dynamic Learning Maps (DLM)
Accommodations for English Learners on Statewide Content Assessments
Information on testing accommodations for ELs on statewide content assessments can be found on OSSE’s Testing Accommodations webpage.
For information on specific accommodations for ELs, please refer to the assessment-specific Accommodations Manuals posted on OSSE’s website. In addition to the assessmentspecific manuals, OSSE’s Testing Accommodations Guide – Part II: English Learners supports in the selection and identification of accessibility features and accommodations for ELs on District of Columbia statewide assessments.
Source: OSSE- Delivering Education Services to English LearnersDetailed information regarding the statewide content assessments can be found on OSSE’s State Assessment webpage.
Special Education
LEAs hold specific requirements to ensure that children in need of special education and related services are appropriately identified and served. This includes completing evaluations within prescribed timelines, obtaining parental consent, and determining eligibility based upon criteria contained in federal and local law. The timeline for the special education process is:
- Referral for initial evaluation
- Analyze Existing Data (AED) *within 30 days of referral*
- Evaluation *within 60 days of AED*
- Determine eligibility *within 30 days of evaluation*
- IEP *within in 15 days of eligibility determination*
- Re-evaluation *every 3 years*
For more information on the Special Education Process click here
Source: OSSE